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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Los piratas son hombres de negocios

Una excelente entrevista de Scott Carney aparecida en Danger Room arroja algo de luz al negocio de la piratería en las costas de Somalia. Algunos ejemplos del excelente trabajo que Scout ha conseguido extraer de un pirata somalí:

"The financiers are the most important since they organize and plan the big shot operations and are able to pay running cost[s]. Financiers always need to forge deals with traders, land cruiser owners, translators, business people to keep the supplies flowing during operations and manage the logistics. There is a long supply chain involved in every hijacking".

"Hostages — especially Westerners — are our only assets, so we try our best to avoid killing them. It only comes to that if they refuse to contact the ship’s owners or agencies. Or if they attack us and we need to defend ourselves".

"Every government in the world is off our coasts. What is left for us? Nine years ago everyone in this town was stable and earn[ed] enough income from fishing. Now there is nothing. We have no way to make a living. We had to defend ourselves. We became watchmen of our coasts and took up our duty to protect the country. Don’t call us pirates. We are protectors".

La entrevista completa, aqui.

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